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I dream of Jordan

I remember I was once in Jordan. It was the end of 2016 and I was visiting a friend who lived there. I was travelling alone and it was quite a strange and new experience to me.  Travelling alone in the Middle East. Scary and exciting.  First stop - Amman Next stop - Petra. One night I stayed Ghassab (in the picture below), who has a cave somewhere near Petra. Here he is leading us to the beautiful city from the other side... After visit to Petra, we spent a night in the cave and in the morning, instead of alarm, we some these amazing visitors... One more day in Petra... Next stop - Wadi Rum. A bedouin asked me what I wanted to do, I said I want to spend a night alone in the desert. So he left me with these, alone... Morning in the desert. And the the other bedouin came and showed me around. A visit to a small city As-Salt, which definitely worth your time.  And, of course, Jerash... ...
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Jesus found me in Uganda

“Could it be true? Jesus found me? He actually found me? And from all the places, in Uganda??? But I did not ask him to. At least, not really”, - at that moment it occurred to me that maybe Jesus does not recognize the sarcasm. All this troubling thoughts ran through my head when I was looking at the woman who was returning the gaze back to me. She was smiling and showing that I should raise my hands the same way as a woman preacher and all the congregation in the Bethel church, Kampala, Uganda. “This could be a sign”, - a little voice inside me said. “Since when do YOU believe in signs?!”, - replied the stronger, louder ME or I, or whatever I could call my more rational self at this moment. But at the same time I was looking at the poster on the wall, which stated: “PUSH: pray until something happens”. “Oh, God, has something happened?”, - at that moment I decided it was time to get out of the church. “Now. Run. Do not look back, until something else happens”, - s...

To be in Palestine

It is already a month and a half when I entered the Palestinian territories, but so far I managed only to post things on facebook. I do not know why. My dream is to be a travel writer or a researcher (yes, I'm 32 and I still dream about the different future careers:), but somehow this blog stayed empty and silent for quite a while. I was in Palestine before. It was 2013 and the trip to Hebron broke my heart. This cold execution of apartheid system was something inconceivable. Al-Shuhada street - closed for Palestinians, checkpoints in the middle of the city, streets to walk for Jews and for Palestinians. It seemed as if a scene from the dystopian movie. Or thing from the past. Not now, when we talk so much about the importance of the human rights. Not now when we are so interconnected and we know the price of silence. And not by Jews, not by Jews. And yet is was there. This scene. Cold injustice. I did not know then that I would come back. I did not know then that it would...

Prison diary. II part

On learning Spanish inside, trying to stay vegetarian and one more reason to hate e-books. Those who read my previous article, know that every Thursday I go to Pravieniskes Correction House-Open Prison Colony. It is a way too long name, and even if I take it from the official website, I am quite sure it is not a correct translation. So, from now on, I just call it Pravieniskes. In Pravieniskes I go as a volunteer as I teach one inmate to read and write. So far I only went two times, but as long as I do not have a job and have time, I am planning to go there. And of course, if my pupil do not lose his will to learn. On my second visit I am much more aware of my surroundings. As the first time, I have a permission written for a one day visit, and this time I can stay till 15.00. My number is 501001009. After this, we (me and a social worker of Caritas) are entering the 1 sector. It is a strange thing but Pravieniskes gave me one more reason not to like electronic books. For ...

Prison diary. I part / Kalėjimo dienoraščiai. I dalis

Normalaus darbo neturėjimas veikia neigiamai. Darbo ieškojimas veikia neigiamai. Pamažu depresija sėlina link manęs ir ieškau būdu, kaip su ja kovoti. Supratau, kad reikia pasijausti reikalingai. Taigi užsiimti kažkokia naudinga, nesavanaudiška veikla. Being without a job pisses me off. Searching for a job pisses me off. I feel useless and depressed. So I'm searching for ways to feel better about myself. So I decided I need to do something selfless and useful for society. Todėl nusprendžiau parašyti į Vilniaus "Caritas", kur nurodžiau, kad norėčiau savanoriauti, ir man būtų įdomios šios jų veiklos sritys: su esamais arba buvusiais kaliniais, arba su pabėgėliais. Mano laimei "Caritas" atsiliepė labai greitai ir pasiūlė prisijungti prie "Nuteistųjų konsultavimo centro"  veiklos: ketvirtadieniais važinėti į Pravieniškių pataisos namus ir mokyti vieną romų tautybės asmenį skaityti ir rašyti. For this reason I decided to write to Vilnius "Car...

There are books and there are books. This is the latter

I do love books. To have, to borrow, to smell, to hold and, of course, to read. But mostly to have. And read, of course. But I like the presence of books in my home. Wherever that is. Well, maybe my home is where my books are. (After returning from Indonesia, some of the books are missing, by the way. So if any of my friends are reading, please check your shelves for intruders. Please.) So I do love books. We established that. I also like some books more than others. I am so sorry for some of the books I have, but that is true. I consider some books better than others. So, logically, some of them I consider worse than others. But maybe I will not talk about those. Well, to the point. I want to write about the book I consider the best. Not the best ever written, but the best for me. And even that is not true, because my opinion about what is the best/favourite book is as solid as the wind. And it depends on what I am reading at the moment (well, if you care so much, it is Teju ...