Praleisti ir pereiti prie pagrindinio turinio

Indonesia: getting there

On the 8th of April 6.50 I had to leave Vilnius airport for Indonesia (route: Vilnius - Copenhagen-Doda-Jakarta-Semarang). It did not go as smoothly as planned. We checked in, almost made it to the plane that had to fly to Copenhagen, but we were stopped on the steps of the plane. Then the pilot showed up and said that unfortunately this plane is not gonna leave as planned. So, our tickets were changed (a long procedure of waiting) to the route: Vilnius-Frankfurt-Singapore-Jakarta-Semarang.

There is a catch. We had to wait in Vilnius airport for 9 hours for our next plane (to Frankfurt). Which is maybe not too bad for me, as I had to finish my review of the movie "Her", but I was really really tired as the night before I had slept only for 1 hour. Anyways, the trip to Frankfurt went smootly. After few hours at the airport, we cought a plane to Singapore which lasted for 12 hours. There we boarded a plane, but it was late to take a flight for 40 minutes. So, at the end, we came to Jakarta too late to catch a plane to Semarang.

So, now we are stuck in Jakarta airport. Our flight is after 12 hours. We are camping on a hard floor as we cannot enter the lounge because it is only for those who cheched in. (We will have to wait for it for 10 hours.). All the cafes are closing down, but this is also not an option as we still do not have a local currency (the exchange place was closed when we got here).

So, what? We will try to sleep here, and hope that everything will go smoothly tomorrow. 


Populiarūs šio tinklaraščio įrašai

I dream of Jordan

I remember I was once in Jordan. It was the end of 2016 and I was visiting a friend who lived there. I was travelling alone and it was quite a strange and new experience to me.  Travelling alone in the Middle East. Scary and exciting.  First stop - Amman Next stop - Petra. One night I stayed Ghassab (in the picture below), who has a cave somewhere near Petra. Here he is leading us to the beautiful city from the other side... After visit to Petra, we spent a night in the cave and in the morning, instead of alarm, we some these amazing visitors... One more day in Petra... Next stop - Wadi Rum. A bedouin asked me what I wanted to do, I said I want to spend a night alone in the desert. So he left me with these, alone... Morning in the desert. And the the other bedouin came and showed me around. A visit to a small city As-Salt, which definitely worth your time.  And, of course, Jerash... ...

Filmo "Visko teorija" ir dar kelių lietuviškų filmų recenzijos

Na va, pagaliau grįžau prie rašymo apie įvairius filmus. Prieš mėnesį Lietuvos filmų centro svetainėje buvo publikuotos mano recenzijos apie dokumentinį filmą „Dviračiais per Gruziją“ bei animacinį filmą „Aukso žirgas“ . Prieš kelias dienas apie naujausią lietuvių vaidybinį filmą „Traukinio apiplėšimas, kurį įvykdė Saulius ir Paulius“ . Nei vienas filmas, deja, nevartas jūsų laiko. Taip pat, šiandien publikuota recenzija apie filmą „Visko teorija“ tinklaraštyje . Šio filmo irgi siūlyčiau išvengti:) Kita vertus, jei „Oskarai“ nors kiek teisingi, pagrindinis šio filmo aktorius turėtų laimėti statulėlę. Gero kino:)

Vietnamas: dvi savaitės turistų rojuje ir viena itin nemaloni patirtis

Halongo įlanka Pasirodė mano straipsnis apie dvi savaites praleistas Vietname. Žinoma, kad ne viskas tilpo į šį straipsnį. Be to, ne viską galiu rašyti. Pavyzdžiui, nerašiau to, kad iki galo Vietnamu nesimėgavau. Taip, tai beprotiškai graži šalis, tačiau visi turistai, jei turi vos kelias savaites, lanko tik tas pačias vietas. Tas pats maršrutas: Hanojus-Hujė-Hojanas-Saigonas. Be to, Hanojuje mane ištiko siaubinga patirtis, trukusi kokia 20 minučių ar pusvalandį. Su drauge ispane ir jos sesers pažįstamu vietnamiečiu sėdime viename bare dūzgiančiame Hanojaus senamiestyje. Mes su ispane pasakojame vietnamiečiui apie Indoneziją, jis n pasakoja apie Vietnamą. Staiga į mus atsisuka vienas vyriškis, ir ima klausti, kaip mes vieni kitus pažįstame. Pradedame kalbėtis. Juk taip galima užmegzti įdomių patirčių.  Paklaustas, ką jis čia veikia, vyriškis atsako, kad "apturi velnioniškai gerą laiką" ("I am having a fucking great time here!"). Jis yra iš Lenkijos, či...