Praleisti ir pereiti prie pagrindinio turinio

Indonesia. Beginnings: from small details to swimming with crocodiles

It's not one month when the plane landed in Djakarta and my legs touched the land of Indonesia, but it seems that I'm here for so much longer. Anyways, let's start from the beginnings...

The moment you go outside of the airport, the sensation of heat wraps your body and it does not let it go. Ever. It is never cool here. It's always hot and humid. I'm sitting in the room with no direct sunlight, at my, now, home in Semarang with an air condition blowing artificial wind towards me. And I'm still hot. All I want to do is lie somewhere and do not move... Well, this is not an option right now.

In spite of the heat, I'm enjoying myself in Indonesia immensely. So many things are different here that I get excited about even the small details. So, some impressions...

Insects, reptiles and others. Lizards everywhere: on the ceilings in the warungs (small eating places), at home, in the toilets. Cockroaches? Of course, huge ones. Frogs in the houses, and, of course, some unrecognized insects....

The ceilings of one "warung"

The house where I live in Semarang is big and spacious. Me and my partner for my project from Poland, Julia, (about it I write later, when I start to work seriously on it) share a room. One more permanent lodger is an Indonesian, whose name is Tony. All the other place is for the migrating volunteers. Since the moment I arrived, the house was always crowed, but since today, at least for a while, it's just me, Julia and Tony...

There are no beds, chairs and tables in the house. For me, this absence of chairs and table is really uncomfortable. I'm always moving and changing positions.

Local food is tasty and very spicy. One has to avoid the sauce "sambal", because it leaves the burning sensation in the mouth for quite a long. The main component of food is rice. Indonesians eat the for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes, it's a bit too much for me. Therefore, I'm really glad for the noodles. They make it perfectly here:)

The main language of Indonesia – Bahasa Indonesia is a very easy language. Relatively, of course. The structure is really simple: no genders, no tenses. But many many words. I really hope that after few months I'm gonna speak at least a rudimentary Bahasa.

After few days in Semarang, and 1,5 lessons of Bahasa, the hosting organization took all the EVS volunteers (2 from Lithuania, 2 from Poland, 2 from Italy and 2 from Spain) and with some local volunteers and we went for a 26 hour trip by bus. +2 hours trip by boat.

On the boat road to heaven:)

This on arrival training was 5 days in heaven, in a small village called Taman Jaya. This village is the last stop before the Ujung Kulon national park. This park is the refuge of the very endangered Javan rhinoceros. We were unlucky to see any of them, but we saw a crocodile. Just one day after swimming in the same water. After that, no one entered the water. Even though the heat was impossible:)

The village of Taman Jaya

The return trip was even longer. It took 30 hours to come back to Semarang. After this all "The other way" project's participants parted their ways, and me and Julia stayed in Semarang. I'll write about this crazy, chaotic city some time later:)


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