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Rodomi įrašai nuo rugsėjis, 2014

Things I love about Indonesia

Masjid Agung, Semarang Well, after so much time of silence I decided once again to write my blog. It's almost six months I'm in Indonesia. To be more precise - in Java island. Six months of volunteering in the Indonesia International Work Camp (IIWC) ( ). And because only two months are left, I do not feel like writing an official report about what I was doing, or trying to remember these past six months as clearly as I can. Because only two months are left, I am starting to feel nostalgic and I am starting  to mentally collect things with which I fell in love in Indonesia. Things that I'm gonna miss when I'm back. So instead of the report, story, or picture presentation, I'm composing a list of things. Things, I'm not sure I can live without anymore but I have to. The order of things are not important. 1. The sound of adhan . For those who do not know what "adhan" means ...

Straipsniai apie Indoneziją

Ilgos tylos bloge metu, visgi netylėjau ir parašiau kelis straipsnius apie Indoneziją/ Several articles about Indonesia: "Neminėkite krokodilo vardo be reikalo" "Indonezija: būk pagarbintas Buda" "Sala, kurioje nėra kur maudytis ir "skamba" maistas o taip pat greitu metu žurnale "Naujasis židinys" pasirodys mano straipsnis "Ramadano dienoraštis". (rengiama spaudai) /