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Straipsniai apie Indoneziją

Ilgos tylos bloge metu, visgi netylėjau ir parašiau kelis straipsnius apie Indoneziją/ Several articles about Indonesia:

"Neminėkite krokodilo vardo be reikalo"

"Indonezija: būk pagarbintas Buda"

"Sala, kurioje nėra kur maudytis ir "skamba" maistas

o taip pat greitu metu žurnale "Naujasis židinys" pasirodys mano straipsnis "Ramadano dienoraštis". (rengiama spaudai)


Populiarūs šio tinklaraščio įrašai

I dream of Jordan

I remember I was once in Jordan. It was the end of 2016 and I was visiting a friend who lived there. I was travelling alone and it was quite a strange and new experience to me.  Travelling alone in the Middle East. Scary and exciting.  First stop - Amman Next stop - Petra. One night I stayed Ghassab (in the picture below), who has a cave somewhere near Petra. Here he is leading us to the beautiful city from the other side... After visit to Petra, we spent a night in the cave and in the morning, instead of alarm, we some these amazing visitors... One more day in Petra... Next stop - Wadi Rum. A bedouin asked me what I wanted to do, I said I want to spend a night alone in the desert. So he left me with these, alone... Morning in the desert. And the the other bedouin came and showed me around. A visit to a small city As-Salt, which definitely worth your time.  And, of course, Jerash... ...

There are books and there are books. This is the latter

I do love books. To have, to borrow, to smell, to hold and, of course, to read. But mostly to have. And read, of course. But I like the presence of books in my home. Wherever that is. Well, maybe my home is where my books are. (After returning from Indonesia, some of the books are missing, by the way. So if any of my friends are reading, please check your shelves for intruders. Please.) So I do love books. We established that. I also like some books more than others. I am so sorry for some of the books I have, but that is true. I consider some books better than others. So, logically, some of them I consider worse than others. But maybe I will not talk about those. Well, to the point. I want to write about the book I consider the best. Not the best ever written, but the best for me. And even that is not true, because my opinion about what is the best/favourite book is as solid as the wind. And it depends on what I am reading at the moment (well, if you care so much, it is Teju ...

Kino pavasaris 2014 trumpai: keli sakiniai apie matytus filmus

Sebastianas Lelio "Glorija" (Čilė) Labai neblogas, geranoriškas filmas, kuriame pasakojama apie išsiskyrusią, jaunatvišką, žavingą, į šeštą dešimtį įžengusią Gloriją, kuri kupina gyvenimo džiaugsmo, bet, deja, jai ne itin sekasi su vyriškiais. Puikus aktorės Paulina Garcia vaidmuo. Ne viena situacija sukels šypseną, bet kartu ir gali kiek įgelti. Tiesa, su viena drauge susiginčijome, ar čia komedija: ji kvatojosi viso filmo metu, aš vietom šyptelėjau, bet man tai tikrai nėra komedija:) Yuvalis Adleris "Betliejus" (Izraelis) Apie šį filmą reikės parašyti kiek plačiau, ypač kai pažiūrėsiu Hani Abu- Assado "Omarą" (Palestina). Abu filmai pasakoja apie palestiniečių Izraelio informatorių gyvenimą, tik iš skirtingų perspektyvų. Kol kas esu nusivylusi "Betliejumi". Labai jau kalama į vienus vartus. Šiaip išties įspūdinga istorija, stiprūs vaidmen...